A collection of sites that gather reliable news, analysis, and original research on the U.S. immigration system. If you’d like to deepen your understanding of issues addressed in the book, these are good places to start.

America’s voice

An immigrant rights advocacy organization with a useful daily collection of “must read” news stories related to immigration and the border.

Migration policy institute

A leading nonpartisan think tank and research institute focused on global migration policy.

immigrant legal resource center

If you want to dive deeper into the weeds of immigration law, this is the site for you.


A law professor providing excellent insights into the intersection of criminal law and immigration law.

AMerican immigration council

News, analysis, and accessible “explainers” on a wide range of topics related to immigration. Thoughtful, reliable analysis and learning materials with a pro-immigrant rights slant. Check out their “Immigration 101” and “How the U.S. Immigration System Works.” guides.

American immigration lawyers association

A great source for careful analysis of proposed immigration legislation.

southern border communities coalition

This important organization brings together leaders from sixty community groups on the border. It also produces an excellent email newsletter with news and analysis about border policy and enforcement.

pew research center

A nonpartisan think tank dedicated to providing data-driven research to inform immigration policy debates.

CATO INstitute/immigration

Research and analysis from the Libertarian right.